The Fall of The United Nations

Current UNN

           I would like to take this time to acknowledge that the UNN appears to currently be changing into a more neutral, unbiased new source. Although only time will tell if this is true, I think it is a change worth noting. 

          This page is meant to clarify and justify my statements against the UNN, and how it was a system of propaganda. 

UNN Update 5 Transcript

          The following is a transcript of UNN Update #5. These are the exact words that appear in UNN update 5. I will note point of interest and concern below. 

 Good evening and welcome to the fifth installment of the United Nations News. A news source of the Halo: Reach clan "United Nations".  Earlier this
week, on 3.5.11. the UN council agreed on disbanning alliances with V100, and its regime led by Vermillion. When the UN and V100 were first allies,
I was looking forward to a great partnership with much peace ahead. We both agreed on being friendly between each other, and spreading the 

enjoyment of clans. But things started popping out of the blue, like assassinations of other clans, and the recruitment of blacklisted members. Some 

major blacklisted figureheads in V100 included Power, External Pepsi, and a siting of Sand-berserker was present. The UN was in major concern and 

"V" only replied as stating that they were "Under Control". Then, there were reports about hateful comments toward the UN, and how peace should be 

destroyed. A few weeks later, a video was posted by reaper-delta. Depicting TNG and V100 becoming allies, and how the UN so called "did not allow 

them to have a partnership". Then misleading media including comments, stated that the UN were going to attack V100. Thus, causing more anger. 

We were mocked, smeared at, simply treated badly. The UN was even called "communist" and some stated that the were going to go to war. We were 

tired of being allies that were blood thirsty, and with tyrants simply ignoring that there are other clans that have different goals, and should have 

been treated like an ally. Overall, being allies with much UN haters and liars, that was really my only biggest concern with V100, and I feel much well 

without them. Also, TNG or also known as "The Next Generation", posted a misleading propaganda video saying that war was declared, and tried to 

make the UN look bad. He acted out the TNG organized, and military destroying staged UN Tanks. The Video showed falcons and TNG foot soldiers 

with no opposition from the tanks below. To tell you the truth, if this was a real battle, the falcons would have never made it on the ground because of 

the tanks range and fire power. They additionally staged Tanks acting as artillery to destroy UN tanks. When the video was posted, it was massively 

flagged and disliked, but the video was removed by the "Director" saying that it made TNG look bad and blamed the UN. Could he have thought what 

would have happened anyway once he posted the video? The propaganda video was massively misleading, and had a discrimination like message 

toward the UN itself and the clan. A few hours after it leave, the V100 leader stated that "it was only a joke". How could it have been a joke when it 

clearly had something against the UN. What you will see next is opinions from anonymous people, who have seen and heard what has been going 

around.  Mostly directed to V100 and TNG, the following recordings have been modified and stated to conceal their identities, what they say are only 

opinions, and it does not mean that I agree with them. 

"V100 is a very blood thirsty clan and they think they can take over a lot of other clans by their actions and ways and they think their going to show 

the world or some shit by the way they have been acting"
"He wants to corrupt other clans and destroy them."
Well I think V100 needs to straighten up. It needs to mind their own business and start acting like their age and not try to provoke the UN or Third 

Echelon to doing something that they want to do and not what we want to do.   
The TNG situation is pretty basic, TNG can't trust anybody, and they are trying to protect V100 so they can start a war with the UN. They try to 

provoke the Third Echelon or will try to provoke the Third Echelon to find out if they try to declare war with the UN to protect V100. 
I have not met the leader of V100 personally, but what I can understand from TNG when they told me and from what I gathered, he doesn't know 

how to run a clan and he can't really do anything to make he clan right. 
With all of this going around the UN is a little bit concerned. But as of now, we are not involved. There are also rumors that UN Overlord will finally be

 coming back around this week or so. Overlord, you have missed a lot buddy. As for the UN itself, new divisions will be made, and extra squads have 

been arranged. See you next time on the UNN. 


1. A news source of the Halo: Reach clan "United Nations".

- The use of the word  "of" here implies that the UNN is meant for viewing by people outside of the UN. If it was meant solely for UN members, the word "for" should have been used. 

2. "V100, and its regime led by Vermillion".

- Later in UNN 5 he says that the UN was "treated badly", even being referred to as communist. However, the word regime implies a style of government, usually a dictatorship, so it appears here that V100 was "treated badly" by the UN as well. Also, the word "regime" was completely unnessacary in this sentence, and could be seen as a attempt to demonize V100. 

3. "We both agreed to being friendly between each other, and spreading the enjoyment of clans."

- Unless there were other terms of the alliance between the UN and V100 which were not published, V100 never technically violated the alliance.
V100 never took hostile action against the UN, and the only "reports" of the V100 wishing to attack the UN were never verified by the UN. They may have been fabricated by people who wished to see a war. 

4. "and the recruitment of blacklisted members"

- "Recruitment" means that V100 actively went and contacted the blacklisted members. Which for me, and sand-berserker, did not occur. I am reasonably sure that the same is true for the other blacklisted members, but I have yet to confirm that.  Me and sandberserker contacted V100 in the interest of joining, by our own will. Saying that the V100 recruited blacklisted members implies that they recruited them to take hostile action, however, since they were not recruited, this is not true. 

5.  "There were reports about hateful comments toward the UN"

- I would like to see anything that the leadership of V100 made toward the UN. If the comments were made a average member of a clan, they should be disregarded. I have personally received many hateful comments from UN members, but I do not view this as official UN policy, because they do not come from commanding officers, the same logic should be applied here.  (This was prior to the deltareaper video)

6. "Then misleading media including comments stated that the UN were going to attack V100."

-The report that the UN was planning to attack V100 came from a leader of a clan in a alliance with the UN. As such, the treat was legitimate, and was treated as real.  Claiming that it was misleading means that V100 was lying about these reports, which is untrue, making this statement misleading. 

7.  "We were tired of being allies that were blood thirty, and with tyrants..." 

- This was terrible grammar, however assuming it was referring to V100, there are a couple of logical questions here. If the V100 was so bloodthirsty, why was war never declared, the UN seems to constantly refer to clans as bloodthirsty, however, many of these clans are not at war.  Also, again referring to Vermillion as a tyrant implies a dictatorship, this is degrading and again showing a negative bias. 

8. "that there are other clans with different goals". 

- The UN fundamentally, is meant to impose its ideals on other clans, so the UN saying this is hypocritical at best. 

9. "that was really my only biggest concern. 

- "My"? This means that this was the personal opinion of JB, biased.

10. "a misleading propaganda video saying that war as declared..."

- This is factually incorrect, and is terribly  misleading. At the end of the TNG video, it clearly said that no war has been declared. This can be seen in UNN 5, by saying that war was declared, you are lying to everyone who viewed the video. 

11.  To tell you the truth, if it was a real battle..."

- The video in question was clearly a dramatization, the UN, and USC videos constantly used dramatizations of battle, JB should have known this, seeing that he is a machinima maker. 

12. "it was massively flagged and disliked..." 

-By UN members breaking Youtube policy. This makes it appear that many people disliked it, which is not true. This hides the actions of the UN, and the fact that they attempted to hide it shows that they knew what they did was wrong. 

13. The V100 leader stated that it was "only a joke"

-This was EXTREMELY poor wording by Vermillion, however, I believe I can elaborate for him.The video was a dramatization, and not to be taken literally. 

14. "and had a discrimition like message." "I feel much well" 

- Although we all make grammatical errors, amount of word mis-usages and mis-wordings make the updates painfully hard to watch.  This quoted sentences are just examples. 

15. What you will see next is opinions from... what they say are only opinions, and it does not mean I agree with them"

- Again, the usage of "I". However, the main issue is as follows. Although he says it does not reflect the UN, it should be noted that all of these quotes are anti- V100, which is the point of view he appears to be encouraging here. If he wanted to be unbiased here, he should have provided views from both side. Making these anonymous completely destroys there validity. These could have been made by the UN, which could have had random people read them. I am aware this is not the case, as I have meant a couple of the people quoted, however, without the ability to verify these statements, it does not matter. 

16.  The TNG situation is pretty basic... to protect V100."

-This quote as extremely difficult to understand and was factually incorrect, using this quote is poor journalism. 

17. As for the UN... see you next time on the UNN". 

- This arguably could have been the entire update.