The Fall of The United Nations

A Brief History of Power

           Currently there is a large amount of misinformation about Power being circulated within the United Nations, as well as other clans that are allied or otherwise connected to it. Knowing this, I have deemed it necessary for me to clarify myself and set the record straight.

My History with Shadow & General JB

            My connections to General JB started in April 2010. I joined the USC when it consisted of only three active members, General JB, General Legend, and me. When I joined, General Legend was second in command, however, after only a couple of week JB noticed the major contributions that I had made to the clan, including multiple maps. However, he appeared to mainly notice my ability to make exceptionally good strategic decisions. At this time, General JB appointed me second in command. During meetings with the RAB, lead by Shadow, I was the main speaker on behalf of the USC, effectively operating as the political leader of the USC.

            However, I became frustrated with the relatively low activity within the USC, and as such, requested to create an agency known as OCI, an intelligence agency that operated within the USC. My first mission was sent to spy on RAB. During my time within the RAB, I was promoted threw multiple ranks, until I was finally promoted to leader of special operations. This placed my in charge of covert activities within the RAB, such as spying, assassinations ETC. However, before I was able to fully adjust to this new position, current UN Overlord started a rebellion that effectively ended the RAB.  Following this JB told Shadow about OCI upon my request. I resigned my position within the USC, and joined Shadows new clan, known as MOH.  This clan last for a brief amount of time, which could be contributed to Shadow allowing UN Overlord to rejoin his clan, only days after his rebellion. This caused a large amount of mistrust within the clan. A couple of weeks after its creation, the MOH was disbanded.

            Following this, I was not a member of the USC, which Shadow briefly rejoined. . Also, Defterreaper, and SandBeserker came to me seeking advice on how to destroy the USC. They both wanted revenge upon the USC and came to me asking for strategic advice, knowing my expertise in the area. I devised a plan which the executed with great precision. This effectively removed all of the members from the USC, leaving Shadow and JB. Although they claimed to have disbanded the clan, this is most likely because the clan was crippled by my plan, and continuing the clan would have been nearly impossible.

Majestic 12

Following these events, I joined an intelligence group known as Majestic 12. This group has been the source of a vast amount of the fear that surrounds me within the UN. Although I have attempted to make it clear to Shadow, and JB, they insist on the illogical fear and propaganda that surrounds me currently. Knowing this, I will attempt to outline Majestic 12 to the best of my ability.

Majestic 12 is an intelligence group that currently serves multiple games over multiple platforms. It is comprised of over 175+ Members. The main objective is to ensure that large clans are not destroyed by smaller clans by means of covert operations. We do destroy clans as a last resort, although we will try to stop clans by many other means before resorting to this. We do have the ability to “Host Boot” which is the practice of temporarily removing internet service to a person. We also have many other, more effective means, which I am not at liberty to comment on. We also have the ability to gather information in many ways, most of which do not involve the use of spies at all.

I personally am not an active spy, and have not served as one at any time within M12. I receive the information provided by our sources, and make decisions based upon this information. I effectively have a desk job. (Think about a General in a war room, he is fed information, and makes decisions based upon it. He is not gathering the information himself, he is simply receiving it.)

To clarify the current situation, I joined V100, for personal enjoyment, and I am not here on behalf of M12. I cannot use M12 resources against the UN, V100, or any other clans. As such, the fear of me hacking anyone is illogical and false.


The Stalker and Anti-Christ

            Majestic 12 have been vastly exaggerated, and have been turned into a reason to assault me personally. Notably, I have been called a “Stalker” by both Shadow and JB. Notably, at one point General JB verbally referred to me as “The Anti-Christ”.  This shows how extreme and ill founded the hatred of me within the UN has become.

            Shadow and JB have resorted to blocking all communications and spreading misinformation about me, which is the main reason why this was written. They refuse to even be present in the same chat/lobby as me, one again, showing just how illogical their fear is. Currently they a have a policy saying that any contact with me is a bootable offence.

Is it logical?

            In response to the current situation, ask yourself the following questions

-What has Power done to me personally?

-Have I heard any information about him from sources other than JB and Shadow, or the UN leadership?

-What offense actions has he taken against the UN?

-After answering these questions, ask yourself, is the current hatred expressed by the UN as a clan logical?


Opinion on United Nations

            The United Nations as a clan is more of a political power, than a military one. As such, the only root of its authority is a sort of honor system established by the clans. This could easily be toppled if other clans simply stopped worrying about the UN. It is notable that within the past year, I have only known Shadow/JB to take part in one clan war, which they lost.

            Seeing this, the true reason why the UN declares other clans “unprofessional” and “war hungry” is apparent. The leadership of the UN, especially JB, fears war, because of the possible collapse of the UN’s power. As such, they attempt to mock other clans, claiming that the UN is above fight wars, especially against such pathetic clans, or that the war needs a reason, in order to avoid a possible clan collapsing war.

            This then begs the question, what would it take for the UN to partake in a war? I don’t have an answer to this, and would be eager to see what JB and Shadow’s answer to this would be.

            This also turns out to be destructive to the UN in general. A prime example is exactly how many times the UN has changed officers. Also, how many of the former UN officers end up on the Blacklist. It is apparent that once someone reaches a position of leadership within the UN, they see exactly how poorly the clan is run, either attempt to rebel (UN Overlord during RAB) or are killed from the clan. Even AP DW, and AP Dark Skills, both friends of Shadow during their time within the UN, have expressed their dislike and hatred for the UN’s leadership to me.

            Also, the actions taken by the leadership of the UN, especially JB, are hypocritical at best. You claim that the UN tries to stop “evil” yet when “evil” attacks the UN, you simply run and hide, claiming that the other side is unprofessional. That makes you a coward at best, which could easily be seen as unprofessionalism, the very thing you pride yourself on not being.  Also, there are many double standards that JB, upholds in game, on Youtube, and on various other topic which I will discuss at a later time.

            The status of the UN “Clan” is than called into question, a “clan” implies that it actively partakes in “clan wars”, which the UN does not. If you could not to partake in clan wars, you have no reason to form alliances. Currently the UN is more of a “Community”, which is not bad. A community simply implies a group that just wants to have fun. A “Clan” is more competitive in nature, which the UN currently is not.

            I believe frankly, that the UN is trying to have its cake and eat it too, they want to be a clan, but don’t want war, they want to appear noble, standing for peace, but show actions that contradict that objective and run from the chances to establish peace if it means suffering a possible defeat.