The Fall of The United Nations


I have a few request to make to the United Nations, and the leaders of former V100. They do not regard any alliances, and are to simply clear a couple of things up. They are not demands, however, it is advised that you follow them as a sign of good intent, as well as easing the relations between UN, V200, and other clans. 

-Remove UNN Updates 1-5

It would help prove to other clans that the UN intends to be unbiased in reporting news. These biased updates are still visible. Since they are currently visible, the UN technically is currently still biased in news reports. 

-Removal of All Videos related to non existent clans. (V100, USC, RAB, and any not mentioned.)

Currently, if a person goes to Youtube in search of a clan to join, they stumble upon countless videos to clans that no longer exist. Although the videos suggested here are only a few of the outdated videos, it still helps, and would removing them would be a public service. 

-Removal of any outdated clan videos. (Truth Speech, USC News Reel, some UN recruitment videos and any not mentioned.)

These also confuse possible recruits because it confuses them on the status of the clan. Since annotations do not appear on mobile devices, and some people have have them turned of on youtube, they do not correct the problem. The UN's largest video, with 11k views technically falls in this field. Since 1/2 of the leaders listed are no longer in the clan, the video is outdated. I know that this is a large issue, however, with simple editing, the video could be corrected and reposted.